Festival di fuochi d'artificio e vette d'artificio 2017

Sunday, 13 August, 2017


In your opinion what is the best view to enjoy a show of fireworks?

A lake or a mountain peak?

For all lovers of the fireworks, Festival di fuochi d'artificio 2017 e Vette d'artificio 2017 give an enviable number of alternatives: 12 must-see shows, including fireworks and musical firework displays Lake Maggiore, Lake Orta, Ossola valleys and Ticino Park. With an important news: this year's edition saw the participation of two new entries Swiss.

Lugano and Locarno are an addition to the list of locations of the provinces of Novara and Verbania (plus Sesto Calende, province of Varese) already seats of the shows in past editions.

And for anyone who is looking for a unique and different experience the Navigazione Lago Maggiore organize, for the occasion of the shows of fireworks of Arona and Verbania-Pallanza, night cruises on the lake looking from a privileged perspective shows.

Here is the complete schedule of two shows:


Festival di fuochi d'artificio in 2017

July 8th: Locarno, 22:45

July 22th: Sesto Calende, 22.30

July 23th: Arona, 23 hours

August 1st: Lugano, 22.30

August 5th: Cannobio, 22.30

August 13th: Verbania Pallanza, 22.45

August 14th: Santa Maria Maggiore, 21.30

August 20th: Omegna, 21.30

August 27th: Omega, 21:30


Vette d'artificio 2017

July 28th: Mottarone, 22.30

August 5th: Macugnaga, 22.30

August 12th: San Domanico of Varzo, 22.30